“We believe in the potential of the domestic pulp and paper industry and the future of the forest industry based on modern bio-refining solutions, therefore we have decided to consolidate the best young professionals in Russia!”
Management structure of the Association is:
- The General meeting of the Association members - the highest governing body of the Association;
- The Sole Executive body is Chairman of the Board;
- The Collective Executive body - the Board of the Association.
Financial and economic control body of the Association is Auditing Committee (auditor).
The General Meeting is held once a year.
Fall within the competence of the General Meeting:
- Definition of priority directions of the Associations activities, principles of its establishment and enjoyment of its property;
- Revision of the Association Charter;
- Foundation of the Executive bodies of ASPPI and early termination of their powers;
- Approval of annual reports and annual accounting balances of the Association;
- Decision making on reorganization or liquidation of Association, appointment of the Liquidation Committee (liquidator) and approval of the liquidation balance;
- Election of Auditing Committee (auditor) and the appointment of an audit organization or individual auditor (professional auditor) of the Association;
- Decision making on determination order of size and payment method of the membership fees;
- Decision making about acceptance of new members to the Association and on the exclusion of members from the Association in the order stipulated by the present Charter and internal documents of the Association.
Fall within the competence of the Board of Association:
- Enforcement of ASPPI decisions;
- Realization of interaction with the state authorities;
- The board is obliged to ensure achievement of the main tasks of the Association;
- Control the work and tasks of the Executive Committee;
- Organize convocation of the General meeting of the Association, approval of agenda, place, day and time of the General meeting;
- Management of the Association assets;
- Consideration of proposals and statements of the Associations members.
Members of the Board:

Anastasiia Kulagina

Daniil Guzev

Maxim Shuralev

Denis Volgin

Pavel Smirnov

Denis Subbotin