Page 12 - PULP AND PAPER INDUSTRY № 1-10-2020
P. 12


            In general, the long-term trend has been quite   ши ны на ЦБК «Ка ма», ли нии в Ба лахне, а так же
            positive. Steady growth of order intake portfolio   бы ли за пу ще ны про грам ма мо дер ни за ции
            of the leading PPI suppliers and global engineering   за во да в Сык тыв ка ре и мно го чис лен ные про ек-
            companies confi rms this.                       ты раз ви тия «Се ге жа Групп» и Ар хан гель ско го
                In 2019, construction of several new pulp mills   ЦБК. И это все го лишь несколь ко при ме ров.
            in Latin America of more than 4 million tons and   Несмот ря на объ ек тив ные слож но сти, при су-
            numerous paper and cardboard projects in Asia   щие ра бо те на рос сий ском рын ке, ос нов ные
            were announced. European projects continued to   иг ро ки весь ма оп ти ми стич но смот ре ли на
            modernize and convert paper production to packaging   дол го сроч ные пер спек ти вы ро ста спро са как
            and other value added paper grades. Enterprises in   в ми ре в це лом, так и в Рос сии в част но сти.
            Russia were not far behind: almost 1 million tons
            of new capacities are under construction: new  ФУН ДА МЕН ТАЛЬ НЫЕ ДРАЙ ВЕ РЫ СПРО СА
            mill in Ust-Ilimsk, construction of a new cardboard   Пан де мия COVID-19 ока за ла су ще ствен ное
            machine at the Kama mill, modernization program   вли я ние на гло баль ные пер спек ти вы — как
            of the Syktyvkar mill, new line in Balakhna, numerous   спро са, так и пред ло же ния. Из-за огра ни че ний
            development projects of Segezha Group and      хо зяй ствен ной де я тель но сти сна ча ла в стра-
            Arkhangelsk pulp and paper mill are just a few   нах Азии, по том в Ев ро пе и да лее в Рос сии
            examples. Despite the objective diffi  culties in the   и США спрос на гра фи че ские сор та бу ма ги
            Russian market the main players were very optimistic   рез ко со кра тил ся. Вы нуж ден ный лок даун
            about the prospects for demand growth in the long   из ме нил при выч ки по тре би те лей (ра бо та
            term both in the world and in Russia.          из до ма, за кры тие школ, учеб ных за ве де ний

            FUNDAMENTALS REMAINS                                                                            13
                The COVID-19 pandemic has
            had a signifi cant impact on the
            global Outlook, both for supply
            and demand. Due to restrictions
            in economic activity, first in
            Asia, then in Europe and then
            in Russia and the United States,
            the demand for graphic paper
            grades decreased sharply. Forced
            lockdown has had an impact
            on consumer habits. Working
            from home, closing educational
            institutions and universities, and
            switching to remote learning
            systems have drastically reduced
            demand for the paper. The               Einari Hämäläinen,       Эйнари Хямяляйнен,
            closure of printing offices, as   Director, M.Sc. (Econ.) MBA Finance Aalto  директор, к.э.н., MBA Finance (Aalto)
            well as restrictions in movement   Mr. Hämäläinen has over 19 years of experience   19-летний опыт работы в целлюлозно-
            and a sharp decline in the       in a pulp, paper and forest related industries.   бумажной и лесной промышленности.
                                            In addition, he has been worked for the Russian   До работы в Vision Hunter был занят на
            mobility of the population, have     trade representative in Finland.  проекте Greenfi eld Pulp Mill в России, отвечал
            had an impact on the demand       For Past 4 years Einari has been worked  за организацию финансирования проекта
                                             in Greenfi eld Pulp Mill Project in Russia with   и установление канала продаж для будущего
            for the newsprint. In above-     the main responsibility to organize fi nancing   ЦБК. Глубокое понимание цепочки создания
            mentioned segments, demand       and establish sales channel for the future Pulp   стоимости, подготовки ТЭО проектов,
            decreased by 30% year-on-year.   Mill. Has deep understanding of value chain in   особенностей работы с рисками в отрасли,
                                             the industry, risk mitigation and creation of
                                                                             организации долгосрочных партнерских
            Capacity utilization in Europe       long partnership relationship       отношений

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